Stories from the Trail

A peek into our design process

A peek into our design process

When I launched First Peak in the spring of 2022, I had no experience in manufacturing. I came from a tech and teaching background, and I was prepared to learn...

A peek into our design process

When I launched First Peak in the spring of 2022, I had no experience in manufacturing. I came from a tech and teaching background, and I was prepared to learn...

How we made Google Maps into our top travel app

How we made Google Maps into our top travel app

As we’ve bounced our way across Europe this summer, we’ve prioritized cities we’ve never visited before: places like Geneva, Brussels, Bratislava, and Llubijana to name a few. But we’ve also...

How we made Google Maps into our top travel app

As we’ve bounced our way across Europe this summer, we’ve prioritized cities we’ve never visited before: places like Geneva, Brussels, Bratislava, and Llubijana to name a few. But we’ve also...

Why I choose to sell “imperfects”

Why I choose to sell “imperfects”

When Imperfect Foods launched in 2015, I remember immediately gravitating toward their mission: they were selling the funky, ugly, small items that many grocery stores turn down, thus helping reduce food...

Why I choose to sell “imperfects”

When Imperfect Foods launched in 2015, I remember immediately gravitating toward their mission: they were selling the funky, ugly, small items that many grocery stores turn down, thus helping reduce food...

4 Baby-Friendly Vacation Spots No One is Talking About

4 Baby-Friendly Vacation Spots No One is Talkin...

Before my family set off on our year of travel, we’d regularly research or ask friends for recommendations on where to go. Quickly, a pattern emerged in the replies. “Everyone...

4 Baby-Friendly Vacation Spots No One is Talkin...

Before my family set off on our year of travel, we’d regularly research or ask friends for recommendations on where to go. Quickly, a pattern emerged in the replies. “Everyone...

3 Tips for Finding Baby-Friendly Airbnbs

3 Tips for Finding Baby-Friendly Airbnbs

In the past 11 months, my family has stayed in over 40 Airbnbs. And with that level of experience and repetition, we’ve learned a few things about locking in comfortable,...

3 Tips for Finding Baby-Friendly Airbnbs

In the past 11 months, my family has stayed in over 40 Airbnbs. And with that level of experience and repetition, we’ve learned a few things about locking in comfortable,...

Our favorite toddler shoes for summer travel

Our favorite toddler shoes for summer travel

When it comes to packing for a summer trip, shoes are often a head-scratcher. Especially with toddlers and earlier walkers, parents are still getting a feel for the types of...

Our favorite toddler shoes for summer travel

When it comes to packing for a summer trip, shoes are often a head-scratcher. Especially with toddlers and earlier walkers, parents are still getting a feel for the types of...